Tier I: Intro to rope rescue
This course is designed as a beginner and/or refresher for those members in the early stages of developing their rope rescue skill set. Our instructors employ a stepped approach to developing student confidence and to building knowledge of individual components of a rescue such as using rappel, belay, and MA stations before moving students into team scenarios. This course is in accordance with NFPA 1006 Chapter 5 Awareness and Operations.
Duration: 4 days
Tier II: Mechanical Advantage Workshop
This course focuses on a simplified approach to identifying suitable anchors & deploying MA’s in scenario-based evolutions. Students will learn to use change of directions (COD) and tie backs to facilitate multiple uses of a single system. Our instructors use a “more with less” approach to rigging which promotes critical thinking while greatly reducing the moving pieces within the rescue.
Duration: 3 days
Tier III: team dynamic workshop
This course offering focuses on building teamwork and situational awareness while on scene. Our instructors replicate real-world scenarios that place a premium on teamwork and ingenuity needed to complete the rescue inside the “Golden Hour”. Our instructors teach a proven “critical path” that promotes individual thinking while working inside a team dynamic. Your team will learn to anticipate the critical steps of a successful rescue through a greater understanding of the roles and responsibilities of their fellow teammates, while focusing on their individual position within the rescue scenario.
Duration: 3 days
Tier IV: Arizona vortex workshop
This course offering focuses on the many uses of an Artificial High Directional (AHD), specifically the Arizona Vortex. The possibilities and configurations are endless with this AHD! While this course will consist of some classroom time to review the math behind the design, a majority of the class will take a hands on approach to learning the many functions and configurations of the Vortex. We've found the best way to learn a new piece of equipment is to use it in different configurations and test it!
Duration: Varies
Tier V: custom workshop
This course offering is tailored to the training needs of your team! Content, equipment, duration and location can all be discussed to make sure your team gets the most from the training session. High Angle, Rope Rescue, Confined Space Rescue Training - you name it!
Duration: Varies
Vertical i: onsite consulting
Vertical Integrity Rescue can perform a cold eyes evaluation of your company's in-house rescue team or of an outside rescue service to ensure they are properly equipped and have the necessary certifications to provide rescue services at your facility as per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146 (k) (1) Our review will look into aspects such as your gear tracking system, rope log tracking, equipment storage, rescue pre-plan documents and communication method to the rescue responders.
Vertical ii: completely custom
Each job is unique! If you have a specialty job requiring a professional rescue service - give us a call. Below are examples of what we could do
Lowering or raising a non-rope rescue person for inspection without scaffolding
Haul system to move equipment or material to places mechanical equipment cannot reach
We love a challenge!
We have relationships with several gear companies - we can place your orders or consult on what gear you need!